
Today Salvation Has Come To Your House

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We continue to reflect on how we respond to what God is doing in your life. Events that at times are good and other times very difficult.  How you respond to those events shapes your life, and your faith.  Hopefully you use those occasions to stop and give a measured response…
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Two People Went Up To The Temple To Pray

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We have been speaking about how we respond to the events of our life, the difficulties and the good things as well.  Does that crisis help you to stop and turn back to God, or do you just keep moving along?  Only one of the ten lepers turns back to Jesus…
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Pray And Do Not Give Up

Dear Brothers and Sisters, You have the freedom to act and respond to the events in your life which determine in many ways the quality of your life, and of your faith. Maybe in that crisis you took time and had a measured response, or maybe you didn’t, and you regret it.  The crisis I…
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How Do You Respond To What God Is Doing For You?

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We start a new theme these weeks leading up to the end of the liturgical year, which is just before Thanksgiving weekend.  I invite you to look at your ability to respond to the situations that God allows in your life.  Perhaps it was a crisis or an opportunity and you…
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Lord, Increase My Faith

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We heard last week about how the ‘pursuit of more’ blinded the rich man in the gospel from seeing the sufferings of Lazarus. He was not a cruel man or complacent but he did not see the reality in front of him and by the time he saw Lazarus in the…
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He Saw Lazarus At The Side Of Abraham

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We continue the theme Jesus suggested a few weeks ago of ‘counting the cost to be a disciple’ as we begin another school year. Clearing the deck in our busy lives gives us time to work on relationships with your spouse, your kids, your parents, it gives you freedom and flexibility…
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To Be A Disciple

Dear Brothers and Sisters, For many years I hated my parents and myself thinking that life was unfair and my brothers were treated better than me, and that my parents had too many kids, and many other stupid things. Jesus says in today’s gospel of Luke (14:25-33) that we should hate father, mother, wife and…
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Martha Has Chosen The Best Part

Dear Brothers and Sisters: Two weeks ago we heard about what makes a Christian rejoice? The seventy-two disciples showed us that when the announced the Kingdom of God they were very happy. Last week the gospel asked when should a Christian stop or pause in their life? And we saw that a Christian should stop…
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Who Is My Neighbor?

Dear Brothers and Sisters: Last week we heard what makes a disciple or a Christian rejoice: it is to announce the Gospel, to speak to others of God. Maybe this couple who were tragically killed in our parish could have been saved and their three kids would not be orphans, if someone gave a Word…
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Let Us Boast In The Cross of Christ

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Five weeks ago St. Paul said the gospel that he preached is not his own; it is from God. He was called to do so in his mother’s womb, and his call was a service for the Church. Every Christian is called to serve the Church in some capacity; it is…
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