
Christ Died For Me

Dear Brothers and Sisters: Last week we heard that Paul was called by God before he was born for a mission of service to the Church and especially to the gentiles. The gospel Paul preached was not from man, but from God and God’s call is always something outside of us; it is not something…
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The Gospel Preached By Me Is Not Of Human Origin

Dear Brothers and Sisters: When I told my mother that I was accepted to the seminary for the Archdiocese of Newark sixteen years ago she said, ‘I always knew you would be a priest; I felt it the first time I held you.’ Moms can easily get carried away at moments like this and truth…
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The More He Gives Out The More There Is

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This gospel of the multiplication of the loaves and fish help us to see how the Lord continues to feed and nourish us, as he did throughout the Easter Season.  This miracle is recorded in all four gospels and shows us a primitive kerygma, a preaching, of the early Church.  The…
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Spend Time At The Door Of Wisdom

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Perhaps you and I have an idea of a perfect friend that will always be there for you and somehow this person never materializes in our lives.   Wisdom is that person, or could be.  Wisdom is a gift from God which is absolutely prior to the universe and superior to all…
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Whoever Is Near Me Is Near The Fire

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I was saddened to see the news of the sudden death of Prince and especially to hear that probably his death was due to an overdose of pain killers.  The most distressing part of it was that no one knew he had a problem. He was always concerned with eating well,…
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Do Not Hold This Sin Against Them

Dear Brothers and Sisters: As we enter into this last week of Easter, when Christ has already ascended to heaven, the whole Church is praying for the coming of the Holy Spirit to give us courage and strength.  The experience of Easter and our parish Mission have given us many things to ponder and hopefully…
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Make It Easy For Them To Enter

Brothers and Sisters: We have been hearing many beautiful readings during this time of Easter and many of them show us the importance of changing our life, of experiencing the resurrection and turning more decidedly to the Lord. Peter found his courage, Paul changed his way of thinking, and last week Paul told us that…
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It Is Necessary To Suffer Many Difficulties

Dear Brothers and Sisters: Our Parish Mission last week has been fantastic with over one hundred and fifty people coming each night. God is stirring things up here and we will continue the mission on Mondays at 7:30 PM in the church. Join us if you are local. It will be an hour containing personal…
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Think As God Does, Not As Man

Dear Brothers and Sisters: Jesus came to turn evil into good, to overcome death and to give life, to forgive us from our sins, and all of this is possible through the resurrection.  Even from a terrorist attack in Brussels Jesus can bring good from such destruction and violence.  Jesus came so that you and…
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We Must Obey God, Rather Than Men

  Dear Brothers and Sisters: You can touch the resurrection today if you believe the Word of God proclaimed in the gospel and all the readings on this Third Sunday of Easter.  To experience the resurrection will also heal your wounds. Once healed you are more able to heal others, not by your own strength…
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