Jesus Alone Is Enough For Me!

Jesus takes Peter, James and John up to a mountain to pray and to witness the glory of God in today’s gospel (Matthew 17: 1-9).  The apostles are devastated by the news that Jesus has to suffer and die and the Lord shows them the glory that awaits him and them.  I was struck with the opening scene of the movie Dunkirk as two young soldiers ran to find a safe place life became more dangerous for them.  You and I do the same thing: when you run from suffering it becomes worse.  This great feast of the Transfiguration reminds us that life is comprised of glory and sufferings; they go together.  This feast anticipates the Resurrection where Christ will appear in glory and his clothes became white as snow.

The words of the Father, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased, listen to him,” are the only words of God the Father recorded in the New Testament.  He has the same message for you today: listen to his Son.  Find a few minutes each day to open the bible, to reflect, to hear a Word from God for your life.  It is the only thing that gives one peace, and joy!  What do you ask for when you come to Mass?  So many people today do not ask for anything!  What a shame.  The Mass is the best time to beg the Lord for what you need!

Peter, when he sees the transfigured Christ, says it is beautiful thing we have here today.  He tries to capture that moment and wants to build tents.  Can you blame him?  The glory that comes in this life is fleeting; it’s not permanent.  You and I try to hang onto it but it is not possible.  God shows you the glory when you need it.  In the meantime don’t escape from the trials of life or you will make things worse.

At the end it is Jesus alone who is present for the apostles, and for us.  He is enough for me, or he should be enough for me.  Often you go to look for something or someone else who can fill you.  He is the only one.  Union with him in prayer is very sweet; it is a foretaste of heaven.  When you stay in him you experience delight.

The apostles prostrate themselves after they hear the voice of the Father.  Perhaps if Christ appeared to us we would offer him a coffee, and give him some advice.  But I sense the apostle’s response is more normal.  They know who he is and who they are and so they prostrate themselves, they humble themselves.  Then Jesus touches them and raises them up.  The same is true for you.  When you lower yourselves, when you see how little you are then the Lord can touch you and raise you up.  Don’t be afraid to put yourself in a vulnerable position.  This is when God acts and lifts you up.  Allow clinging to the Lord to become your new way of life, for a change.

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