Everyone Can Be Part Of A Community
At St. Joe’s, we feel that getting more involved in the parish is the best way to grow in the faith. This can be done by regular weekend attendance, by becoming a lector or greeter or to serve in some way in the parish. Today we need a community that helps us to know ourselves and to little by little live the faith in our ordinary lives, which is a challenge. Our Faith Formation is transforming to a family style approach (called Pathways) where parents are more involved in teaching their children. Their voice is the most important one in the lives of their children.
The winter catechesis, or series of talks, on the situation of the Church today, who am I and what am I living for, and other relevant topics are presented by a team of couples from the Neo-Catechumenal Way. Meetings are in the Lyceum on Mondays & Thursdays at 8 PM for an hour.
The Knights of Columbus council meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month and does numerous service projects in the community and in the parish. Click on this link for more information. to their website.
The Rosarians support and serve St. Joe’s in numerous ways and meet after the 10 AM Mass on the first Sunday of the month. Join them or contact us for more information.
There is an active group of lectors who work very hard at proclaiming the Word of God each weekend and also there are Eucharistic ministers who serve at Mass and visit the sick. Also there is an active food pantry that is open on Tuesdays from 10 to Noon. An adult altar servers group helps with funerals and memorial services. Contact us and you can be put in touch with the right person to learn more.