
Students in Grades 1 to 6

Our Sunday program begins at 9:45 AM with the family coming to the church and kids are dismissed to class for 45 minutes and return to the Mass at the time of the offertory. It’s very important that the kids see the faith lived in the home and on the weekend with the family attending Mass together. 7th graders meet at 11:45 am on Sundays and come up for the Mass at the time of the Offering of the Gifts.

Grades 8

The 8th graders meet on Monday afternoons at 4:30 PM for an hour.

High School & Middle School Youth Ministry

Our Bold Youth Ministry for high school meets on Wednesdays in the school from 7 to 8:30 PM. Our Bold Youth Minister is Lisa Valentino (  Middle School (6, 7 & 8th grades) meet on Fridays (schedule is in the parish bulletin).

High School Youth Ministry Schedule


Confirmation Program

Two years of faith formation classes prior to 9th grade is required.  Confirmation is normally in late fall of freshman year. Meetings for these students are on Wednesdays at 6:30 to 7:45 PM and consist of an ice breaker related to the topic, a talk on the theme or readings from the weekend Masses, and then time in small groups of 6-10 students.  We aim to develop a relationship with these students so that there is more of a connection with the parish which would help them to continue in our Bold Youth Ministry and/or remain active in the church.

Winter Catechesis, Talks for Youth and Adults

The winter catechesis, or series of talks, on the situation of the Church today, who am I and what am I living for, and other relevant topics are presented by a team of couples from the Neo-Catechumenal Way.  Meetings are usually on Mondays & Thursdays at 8 PM for an hour.


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