Their Eyes Were Opened At The Breaking Of The Bread

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It is possible as we have been saying to touch the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, to have an experience of it that is very real.  And in order for this to happen we need to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  He was more than a great man who changed the world and the universe by his rising from the dead. As we continue our new series on Face 2 Face the gospel about the two disciples on their way to Emmaus gives us a wonderful insight into the person of Jesus Christ.  It was the first day of the week and these two disciples were conversing on their way home after being in Jerusalem for Passover.  They were speaking about a very different Passover that took place and were very downcast.  They had high hopes in Jesus and now something terrible had gone wrong.  What was to happen now?

Jesus drew near to them but they did not recognize him and he started to walk along with them.  That’s it; it is very simple to begin a relationship with Christ, no rituals or fancy prayers.  You can if you want but there is no need of them.  You can speak to him, honestly and casually.  He asks them a simple question and it reveals the heaviness of their hearts.

Maybe if someone asks you a simple question about your marriage, or job, or your career, your kids, your health, your parents or the relationship that just broke up, you might react with sadness also.  Jesus Christ understands your disappointment; he knows it better than anyone else after what he just went through.  You can speak to him about yours.  One of the disciples, Cleopas asked if he was the only person who did not know what happened in those days.  And Jesus plays along and says, “What things?”  He has a sense of humor; he is playful.  He makes people laugh.  Luke goes on to describe what happened in the past week.  They think the whole story is crazy.  Not in their wildest dreams did they think of resurrection or angels telling the women this news.

Jesus says how slow of heart they have been and he proceeds to interpret Moses and the prophets to them.  When we are heavy hearted we can become slow of heart also, slow to believe, slow to have faith, slow to see the goodness and grace Jesus has given to us.  At times slow to be happy and grateful for the gifts given.  Some people even spend their whole lives this way, how sad is that?

Jesus stayed with them and their hearts were burning so will ours when you meet him.  The disciples’ eyes were opened in the breaking of the bread, and what did they do?  They served; they went back the same night to Jerusalem.  No one travels at night in those days, but they did.  They wanted to share the Good News and nothing could hold them back.  Their hearts were changed and they were no longer afraid.

I would like to suggest three simple points: first, you are closer than you think to Jesus Christ.  He is very near you, turn to him; you will not be disappointed.  Second, reading and spending time with Scripture will change your heart.  Be open to it, start with one of the gospels during this time of Easter; read a little each day and reflect on it.  Third, everything leads to the Eucharist.  Receive him worthily.  The one you receive is the same one who died and rose again.  It is not a symbol, but the real person of Christ.  Spend some time with him today and you will not be disappointed.

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