
Solemnity of the Holy Trinity

The Church gives us this great feast of the Holy Trinity, the central tenet of our faith. The light of Easter is still with us as Pope Francis reminded us and this feast ring a bell telling us that God is not something vague and vaporous; he is concrete and not an abstraction, and has…
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Ascension, A Lifting Up

In Luke’s Gospel after the Ascension of Jesus the apostles come back full of joy and they were continually in the Temple praising God.  It is a strange reaction to the fact that they would no longer see their Messiah, and they would be on their own bringing the Good News to the four corners…
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You did not chose me

The key phrase from the fifteenth chapter of John’s Gospel this week is “you did not chose me, I have chosen you.”  It reminds me of my first Mass, which had the same gospel some twelve years ago.  I can remember thinking, yeah, yeah, God chose me, but really thinking that the initiative was mine,…
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