A Child is Born for You

Christmas Day
December 25, 2015

Luke 2:1-14 says that Joseph was called by the census to the city of David called Bethlehem since he was of the family of David.  While they were there the time for the birth of Mary’s son, Jesus, came.  She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger since there was no room for them in the inn.

Today you can see the caves on the side of the hills in Bethlehem, and they are still used.  There would be a lean-to in front of the cave and would be a room for guests or for eating.  The animals would stay in the cave.  Scholars say that Joseph lead Mary into the cave either since the outside section was crowded or to have privacy for the birth.  So Jesus was born in a cave with animals and everything that goes with them, not a pleasant location and yet what joy must have been present.

The first visitors were shepherds who were poor, worked all night watching, not well-regarded by the Jews and had no legal standing among the people.  The angel appeared first to them and announced the birth of Christ to what would consider today’s homeless.  A funny choice of people to first hear this Good News!

These events give us much to ponder.  Find a few minutes in front of your manger during these days of Christmas to reflect on what God has done for you.

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