
God Brings Heaven To You In A Child

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I would like to speak the truth to you rather than giving you pious, pretty words.  I want to give you some really solid, substantial, not something merely emotional or sentimental.  Today, a Messiah is born for you who is the Lord!  I always loved this gospel and this holy night…
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He Is Really with You, Inside of You!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This Word is fulfilled today in this Eucharist.  The angel Gabriel says to each one of us what he said to the Virgin Mary.  Rejoice, the Lord is with you.  This phrase is beautiful: The Lord is with you; he is in you; he is there inside of you; the Lord…
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He Wants To Be One With You

Dear Brothers and Sisters, On this Gaudete Sunday the Lord tells us to rejoice.  Gaudete is Latin for rejoice or exult because the time of waiting for the Lord is almost over.  All of the readings today have this flavor or joy.  Jesus Christ is coming closer to our lives.  It is a beautiful Sunday…
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We Are In This Desert

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The gospel this Second Sunday of Advent comes to console us.  It comforts me personally and is like a balm in the midst of this Advent season.  This word always comes to help us, and the Lord always comforts us in this way that only he can by loving us.  We…
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A Person Who Owes Nothing Fears Nothing

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today we begin a new year for all Christians.  On this First Sunday of Advent, a new life begins; the old life is erased.  Our Lord gives us this new beginning and wants to make new men and women of us.  He wants to give us new hearts, with a new…
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The Lord Is My Shepherd So You Want From Nothing?

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King which was meant as a reminder that communism or fascism or materialism was not or ought not to be king of our lives. But then why all these readings about sheep and goats? Our king is a shepherd king and it poses the…
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It Could Have Been Gaining Interest!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today’s gospel is wonderful, and it gives me a lot of joy.  But first we must clarify some ideas so that we don’t misunderstand the point of the gospel.  The talents are not the gifts we have received from God, like the ability to sing or to be good at math…
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Her Heart Was Awake

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Once again the gospel is a stupendous good news for us and can help us to enter God’s will.  What is the will of God for us?  That all men be saved so that you be saved, and your spouse be saved, and your children be saved, and your mother-in-law be…
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Be Who God Made You To Be!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Our Lord calls us to be truthful, to be like him who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  We are not able to live in the truth unless we have Christ.  Without Christ, we can often fall into hypocrisy.  The Pharisees know the Law very well, but they don’t…
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You “Will” Love With All Your Heart And Soul And Strength

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Our Lord says that to love is the center piece of Christian life.  It must be the center because God is love and the center of life for a Christian is God.  Perhaps in the light of this word we can be like the Pharisees who approach the Lord with this…
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