
His Ways Are Not My Ways!

Dear Friends, This is the third week of our new series: Who Do You Think I Am?  What makes you you is another way to put it. And how you answer this question determines a lot in your life: your actions, relationships and values.  All of this is incomplete and is not the fullness of…
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How Often Must I Forgive?

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I hope you are enthusiastic about our new series at the Sunday Masses this new academic year.  As Pope John Paul II said many times who I am and what am I living for is one of the fundamental questions of life.  This question drives our actions, our relationships and the…
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You Are Mine!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Welcome back for those who have been away and welcome to our new series called, Who am I?  It is the same question that Jesus asked the people and his disciples two weeks ago: who do people say that I am? Your sense of identity of who you are drives your…
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Jesus Says, Follow Me, Don’t Get Ahead Of Me!

Dear Brothers and Sisters: Last week Peter confessed his faith to Jesus by saying, “You are the Christ, the Anointed One, the Son of the Living God.”  Jesus responded and said to him, “You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church.”  However, this week we can see that Jesus is not…
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On This Peter I Will Build My Church!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Two weeks ago Peter was walking on the water during a huge storm until he took his eyes off of Jesus, looked at himself and sank.  He was the only apostle who climbed out of the boat.  And today he receives the keys to the kingdom of heaven (Mathew 16: 13-20)….
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O Woman, How Beautiful Are You!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Canaanite woman is a goy, a pagan, who leaves her land and her people and encounters Jesus Christ who heads north into Lebanon.  Their encounter is arranged by our Father (Matthew 15: 21-28).  No power on earth can stop them.  The humble ones, like her, are better at receiving the mercy…
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Look At The Lord, Not At Yourself!

Dear Brothers and Sisters: After dismissing the crowd of five thousand whom Jesus fed, he does not go on the boat with his disciples.  Before doing so he escapes to “the mountain” in order to be with his Father.  The day that began for him in solitude ends in solitude, far away from the crowds….
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Jesus Alone Is Enough For Me!

Jesus takes Peter, James and John up to a mountain to pray and to witness the glory of God in today’s gospel (Matthew 17: 1-9).  The apostles are devastated by the news that Jesus has to suffer and die and the Lord shows them the glory that awaits him and them.  I was struck with…
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A True Disciples Is A “Little One”

Dear Friends, Jesus continues with his discourse to the apostles and disciples before they go out two by two to preach the gospel (Matthew 10: 37- 42).  He says some very beautiful and strong things to them.  First of all, he says, “Follow behind me,” implying do not get in front of me.  It is…
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He Counts The Very Hairs Of Your Head

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We return to the wonderful gospel of Matthew after a long break for Lent and Easter and the recent feasts.  And we pick up on Jesus’ discourse to his apostles and disciples: he is encouraging them and us to not be afraid if you need to suffer for the sake of…
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