
Go And Make Disciples of All Nations!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We continue with the missionary theme of St. Peter from last week: always be ready to give an answer for the hope you have inside of you.  Do it with reverence and grace, but do it.  The Church is always missionary even right here in East Rutherford and Carlstadt.  When it…
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He Will Not Leave You Alone

Dear Brothers and Sisters: The gospel for this Sixth Sunday of Easter (John 14:15-21) is a continuation of Jesus’ farewell address to the disciples that we heard last week.  This was the discourse he gave the night before he died.  Jesus is reminding his disciples that if they love him, they will keep his commandments,…
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I Will Take You To Myself!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, On this Mother’s Day God wants to help everyone and especially moms.  The Lord is alive and living in a new dimension, and he wants you to have an experience of him.  He comes not to judge you or look down on you, just the opposite; he comes to lift you…
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The Shepherd Smells Like His Sheep

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We continue this week with our series Face 2 Face.  The gospel of the Good Shepherd (John 10: 1-10) and the other readings help us a lot.  This gospel follows Jesus’ cure of the man born blind and is aimed at the Pharisees who remain willfully blind to this miracle as…
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Their Eyes Were Opened At The Breaking Of The Bread

Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is possible as we have been saying to touch the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, to have an experience of it that is very real.  And in order for this to happen we need to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  He was more than a great man who changed…
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Do Not Be Faithless, But Believe

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Easter Triduum and Easter Sunday were really special this year.  Let us all pray together that at least some will return soon to the Lord and to our parish, especially as we undergo our renovation in a few short months.  How I hope we will be a beacon of light…
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Lazarus Is You: All Tied Up & Can’t Get Out!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This is the fifth and last week of our series on Christian Atheists where we have been looking at the dichotomy of our lives in believing in one way and living in another.  Hopefully this series has helped us to bridge that gap in some way.  We spoke about the need…
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Many Do Not Know Who He Is, How He Acts!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, In our series on Christian Atheists this Lent we have been hearing how easy it is to doubt God’s love and at times even his existence.  We are bombarded with this way of thinking constantly in our secular society, and often we find it difficult to make room for prayer in…
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He Wants To Give You Living Water

Dear Brothers and Sisters, As Christians we often doubt the love of God for us and our tendency is to do our own thing and so we behave like Christian Atheists or pagans, at times.  We saw this sin in our first parents two weeks ago and last week we saw how prayer can help…
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You Are Called To Be Glorified Today

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The series of Christian Atheist continues this week.  Hopefully it will give all of us an insight into who we are and how we can live Lent well this year.  Also a good number of people signed up for the small group meeting which started on Thursday at 7 PM and…
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