
We Have Only Two Pennies

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This word is wonderful, and there are several small things that helped me this week. First, is seeing that Jesus is watching those who are pouring money into the treasure. Jesus is looking at you today because to look is to love. You look at what you love. If you love…
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You Are Not Far From The Kingdom

Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is wonderful how the last part of the gospel has Jesus saying, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” He does not tell them that you are already in the kingdom, but you are not far from it. He can say this because he knows that the kingdom…
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Lord, That I May See

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The gospel for this 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time is a wonderful catechesis about the life of a Christian and what it means to be a disciple of Christ and experience the amazing gift of conversion. Notice that everything starts from Jesus who is walking as he was leaving Jericho with…
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They Want To Be In His Glory!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Perhaps we never really understood this word because you thought James and John had a bad intention. Maybe we thought that those who are at the Lord’s side are the ones with power. However, if we make a slightly more detailed look not only at the question that James and John…
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Jesus Plays A Trick On Him

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This Word of God helped me a lot and supports me personally. So, I would like to explain a bit how this word gives me hope and helps me to celebrate this Eucharist, since I am who I am. Ultimately, I am a man called to conversion, like you and like…
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Come From Lebanon, My Beloved

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The word helped me and especially the song at the start of the Eucharist. It said, ‘Come from Lebanon, come my bride, come from Lebanon come.’ What is Lebanon; it is not the Promised Land, not the place of the chosen people. Lebanon typifies foreigners for the Jews. It meant where…
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God Shows His Power Above All By Pardoning And Showing His Mercy

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The opening prayer of this Sundays’ Eucharist says that God shows us his power above all by pardoning and showing his mercy. It is such a wonderful action that God gives us today! This word of God is not a moralism, and his word is never that way. He doesn’t tell…
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To Serve Is To Love

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Jesus asks them the Twelve a question today. And he puts the same question before us as well. How do we come to this eucharist today? Have you experienced the same thing as the disciples since you want to be loved by your spouse, or to be loved by your children,…
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Faith Is To Enter Your Cross With Peace

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The word of the Lord in the first reading says God will open my ear. I am asking Him to open our ear to understand this word because it is strong, very strong. If the Lord doesn’t open our ears, we do not understand anything. And I hope today, many will…
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To Listen Helps You See God’s Love

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today’s gospel the people say of the Lord that he has done all things well. Can you say the same about your life? The people in the gospel who saw this miracle can surely say this is true. The deaf man could hardly speak. Because when a person is deaf, how…
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