
Only One Thing Is Necessary!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We continue to hear from the Lord what it means to be his disciple or what it means to be an adult Christian.  A few things are needed to make a good meal.  I don’t cook much but I know how to make a good Italian tomato sauce.  You need to…
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Who Do You Stop For?

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Jesus continues this week to expound on the mission of a Christian or of a disciple (Luke 10: 25-37).  It is echoed by what we hear in the first reading: The word of God is near to you, it is in your mouth and in your heart so that you can…
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Pray That We May Be One Of His Workers

Dear Friends, Luke has Jesus always heading for Jerusalem in his gospel and today we hear how the prophet Isaiah remind us that as a mother comforts her child, I will comfort you, in Jerusalem.   He is speaking of Israel returning to Jerusalem after seventy years of exile but it can also mean for us…
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A Christian Has An Adventurous Heart!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Luke’s gospel is unusual in that it arranges everything in the framework of Jesus’ journey towards Jerusalem.  I don’t know if you heard it but the opening sentence said something like: as the time drew near for him to be taken up, he turned towards Jerusalem (9: 51-62).  Luke is not…
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Christ Comes When We Are Needy

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Welcome to this feast which celebrates Christ’s presence among us and his desire to nourish us especially when we are in dark moments. The apostles had just come back from going two by two to announce the gospel and cure the sick.  They had given Jesus an account of what happened…
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God Is One, And Yet Three

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Love is always a mystery as Cardinal Ratzinger wrote years ago.  So to ponder the love of the uncreated, eternal God must therefore be the highest degree of mystery.  And it is good for us to do so today on this feast of Trinity Sunday, which follows the birth of the…
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We Need The Spirit!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, It does not seem by accident that Luke in his first book, the gospel, has the Messiah born in his second chapter and in his second book, the Acts of the Apostles, the Church is born as well in the second chapter.  We celebrate Pentecost today which marks the coming of…
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I Came To Reveal The Name Of God

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I was at the twenty-fifth anniversary of a priest this past week who has been the rector of a missionary seminary for most of those years.  It was impressive what most of the priests and seminarians said about him and how God was acting through him during that time.   It made…
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My Peace I Give To You!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, There is a question that one apostle ask just before the words of the gospel that we hear today (John 14: 23-29) which makes the gospel much more accessible.  He asks the Lord, why are you showing yourself to us and not to the rest of the world?  And Jesus responds…
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Let Us Give Glory To God!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Welcome everyone to this Eucharist where Christ will speak to us and also feed us.  There have been many Eucharistic miracles in the history of the Church and one of the best ones took place in Lanciano, Italy, an ancient Roman city.  Monks were present in this place since the early…
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