
Let Us Give Glory To God!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Welcome everyone to this Eucharist where Christ will speak to us and also feed us.  There have been many Eucharistic miracles in the history of the Church and one of the best ones took place in Lanciano, Italy, an ancient Roman city.  Monks were present in this place since the early…
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You Are In The Father’s Hand

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Last week we heard that moving and somewhat painful three fold question of Jesus to Peter: do you love me?  It must have been a very difficult moment for Peter and in some way for us as well.  Don’t we often act like Peter, in good ways and bad?  So the…
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Let Us Be Fed So We Can Feed Others!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Seven of the twelve apostles were fishermen as we hear today (John 21: 1-19).  Fishermen have some characteristics that would make them very effective in ministry, in apostolic work with others.  They are very persevering.  They do not give up if the weather is bad; they remain at their task.  They…
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The Gospel Of Mercy

Dear Brothers and Sisters, On this Solemnity of Divine Mercy Sunday let us consider St. Faustina who was one of the greatest mystics of our time.  She was the third of ten children who lived in Poland in between two world wars and had a deep piety and willingness to sacrifice for God even as…
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It Is A Love Stronger Than Death

Dear Brothers and Sisters: Last night the Easter vigil Mass at 8 PM started in darkness as it does all over the world and is broken by the light of Christ in the Easter candle.  It made me think that often we need to be in darkness to see Christ; he shines more brilliantly that…
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The Master Has Need Of You!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Welcome everyone.  I would like to say a few words about the gospel proclaimed at the start of the service today and which sets the mood for this Holy Week. The goal of Jesus especially in the gospel of Luke is to ascend to Jerusalem.  This ascent comes together in his…
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What Do You Feed The Most?

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I have been keeping account of how many miles I drive in order to deduct business related trips on my taxes for the last two years.   And this year, lo and behold, I hear it is no longer necessary since these miles are no longer deductible.   I wish I knew sooner. …
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Aren’t We Always Beginning Again?

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We welcome you to St. Joe’s parish and those who also might be watching on line over the internet (  This Sunday in Lent is called Laetare Sunday since all the readings have this sense of joy because the saving death and resurrection of Christ is coming soon.  We can enter…
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God Is Seeking That Precious Thing In You

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I hope the Transfiguration of Christ last week helped all of us to see the aim of Lent, which is to experience more deeply the resurrection. And also to look up and see what God is preparing for all of us. We hear this week that often we think that the…
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There Is Another Place More Beautiful Than Here

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Twins, a brother and sister, were talking to each other in the womb.  The little sister said, “There is life after birth.”  And her brother protested saying, “no, no it is impossible; this is all there is.”  But the little girl insisted: “There must be something more than this place where…
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