
Come From Lebanon, My Beloved

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The word helped me and especially the song at the start of the Eucharist. It said, ‘Come from Lebanon, come my bride, come from Lebanon come.’ What is Lebanon; it is not the Promised Land, not the place of the chosen people. Lebanon typifies foreigners for the Jews. It meant where…
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God Shows His Power Above All By Pardoning And Showing His Mercy

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The opening prayer of this Sundays’ Eucharist says that God shows us his power above all by pardoning and showing his mercy. It is such a wonderful action that God gives us today! This word of God is not a moralism, and his word is never that way. He doesn’t tell…
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To Serve Is To Love

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Jesus asks them the Twelve a question today. And he puts the same question before us as well. How do we come to this eucharist today? Have you experienced the same thing as the disciples since you want to be loved by your spouse, or to be loved by your children,…
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Faith Is To Enter Your Cross With Peace

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The word of the Lord in the first reading says God will open my ear. I am asking Him to open our ear to understand this word because it is strong, very strong. If the Lord doesn’t open our ears, we do not understand anything. And I hope today, many will…
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To Listen Helps You See God’s Love

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today’s gospel the people say of the Lord that he has done all things well. Can you say the same about your life? The people in the gospel who saw this miracle can surely say this is true. The deaf man could hardly speak. Because when a person is deaf, how…
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Christ Is The Head Because He Loves

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We hear again in the psalm: taste and see the goodness of the Lord. We have heard this psalm for three Sundays in a row. It is a long psalm, but the antiphon has always been the same. Is the Lord trying to tell us something? We can experience this today…
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To Eat The Bread Is To Be One With Jesus On The Cross

Dear Brothers and Sisters, There are breads that give life and there are breads that don’t. They don’t fill us nor give us life. Your fathers ate manna in the desert, but they died; it did not give them life. It was a sign, a figure, that would prepare them for the true bread, as…
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To Jesus Through Mary

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Mary is assumed into heaven which means she went there body and soul. She did not die. In some countries this feast is called the Dormition, falling asleep. She did not experience death, which makes sense since she had no sin. This is one of the mysteries of our faith, like…
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Get Up And Eat!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Church insists that we not take lightly that Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life and so this theme is repeated for three Sundays. The first Sunday was the multiplication of loaves and fish. The second Sunday we heard Christ’s Bread of Life discourse, and he told the crowds that…
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To Believe Christ Is To See Him

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The gospel this week is a continuation of last week’s concerning the multiplication of the loaves and fish. Today we hear the Lord’s explanation of his word because surely, he did not come to solve world hunger, not did he come to say: eat, eat, eat! If this was the mission…
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