What Is Guiding You To The Child?
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Epiphany means manifestation, Jesus shows himself, reveals himself to everyone, thanks to that star that is guiding these wise men to Bethlehem. They analyzed the stars which in those days always served as a guide at sea. There was no radar or anything else to guide them, so they used the…
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Mary Is Mother And Daughter Of God
Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Church gives us on this first day of the year the image of Mary as the Mother of God. She is the Mother of God and also his daughter. It is a great mystery that Mary being the daughter of God because she is the Mother. It is an incomprehensible…
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Where Can We Find Jesus?
Dear Brothers and Sisters, The feast of the Holy Family is usually the Sunday after Christmas and is a marvelous solemnity about the holiness of the Christian family and how it was designed by God. The Holy Family is made up of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. This is not the prototype of a Christian family…
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Where Is Your Home?
Dear Brothers and Sisters, I would like to speak the truth to you rather than giving you pious, pretty words. I want to give you some really solid, substantial, not something merely emotional or sentimental. Today, a Messiah is born for you who is the Lord! I always loved this gospel and this holy night…
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Mary Always Brings Us Christ
Dear Brothers and Sisters, I hope this Eucharist lifts us up and makes clear what the Lord wants us to do. He loves us so much that he does not want us to be exhausted, anxious or sad. The Sun of Justice rose this morning on a few inches of snow that were light as…
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Joy Comes From Being Rescued
Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is a wonderful word the Lord gives us on this Gaudete Sunday which has this name since it speaks to us of joy. All the readings reflect this gift. The first reading begins with: ‘Shout for joy, O daughter Zion! Sing joyfully… be glad with all your heart.’ The responsorial…
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John The Baptist Is Advent
Dear Brothers and Sisters, The second part of Advent, which starts on December 17th always helps me, especially the carols: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. I hope that He comes quickly. I yearn for him to come now without delay. Come, Lord, to my life because without you I am nothing and my life makes…
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The Lord Comes To Set Us Free
Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is a wonderful word to begin this new liturgical year on this First Sunday of Advent. It is a precious word and an invitation to live the three theological virtues. We know that the three theological virtues are faith, hope and charity and the greatest of these is love or…
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His Kingdom Does Not Resist Evil
Dear Brothers and Sisters, This feast of Christ the King is wonderful and very popular but resist turning it into something sweet and melancholic. We can become addicted to these sweetened feast days like the Sacred Heart of Jesus and then we spend the whole day in a little room with an image of the…
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The Love Of God Does Not Pass Away
Dear Brothers and Sisters, This Sunday is the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time which is one week away from the Solemnity of Christ the King, the final Sunday of the liturgical year. The Word already gives us a momentum to realize that Jesus Christ ought to be the only one for us. That is to…
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