
I Already Converted

Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is a beautiful gospel and a strong word on conversion, which is a word that is very misused by people in our times. Conversion is a profound experience that touches deeply the heart of a person. St. Paul used the Greek word metanoia to describe what it means. The person…
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Listen To Him

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The word of God speak to us of heaven and tell us that, for Christians, we have the certainty of our homeland. The Word of God wants to put us in heaven today. This eucharist is heaven. You can check yourself and see if you really believe this if you have…
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These Temptations Face Us Every Day

Brothers and Sisters, Jesus is tempted by the devil. Now is fashionable to say that the devil does not exist, even some priests say this. That believing in him is like a fairy tale. How great it will be not to have this struggle, but my reality is that we are constantly tempted. And we…
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How Can You Help Him If You’re Blind?

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We have some very beautiful readings this Sunday. It seems that God always gives us a word or a message that we need to hear, at least he did that for me with this gospel. The first reading from the book of Sirach says, “When a sieve is shaken, the husks…
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Only A Christian Can Love The Enemy

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The psalm response helped me a lot to hear again that the Lord is compassionate and merciful. The essence of God is to be merciful. How is that mercy manifested to us? He is slow to anger and abounding in kindness. He does not deal with us according to our sins,…
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We Need Failures So We Can Hear The Preaching

Dear Brothers and Sisters, They brought their boats to the shore and left everything and followed him. I am impressed by this last expression, this last sentence in today’s gospel. One does not leave something good for something worse, usually we leave something to get something better, no? For these apostles following Christ is better…
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He Wants To Enter Your Temple

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Christ comes today to rebuild our lives which have been hurt by sin. The Lord comes today to fix what we have destroyed by our selfishness, by our lust for money which is present in so many situations in life today. Christ has the power to rebuild your life again and…
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Their Eyes Were Fixed On Christ

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This Sunday is Word of God Sunday, and everything helps us to focus on the Word this week. His Word is what saves us. Jesus Christ is the Word of God made flesh. God has spoken and the word that he says is Jesus Christ. He did not need to say…
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Mary Notices That Something Is Missing

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The gospel and all the readings today are a declaration of God’s love. Mary, the mother of Jesus, and his disciples are with him. Mary plays a key role in this gospel, and it shows how Mary will help make you a Christian, a disciple of Christ. If you don’t have…
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Jesus Goes To The Lowest Place To Be With Us

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today we celebrate the gospel of the Baptism of the Lord that ends the Christmas Season. It is a wonderful gospel that we receive and it shows us that Christ overcame death which is embodied in what we hear today. The gospel ends with the heavens being opened, the Holy Spirit…
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