
He Wants To Give You Living Water

Dear Brothers and Sisters, As Christians we often doubt the love of God for us and our tendency is to do our own thing and so we behave like Christian Atheists or pagans, at times.  We saw this sin in our first parents two weeks ago and last week we saw how prayer can help…
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You Are Called To Be Glorified Today

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The series of Christian Atheist continues this week.  Hopefully it will give all of us an insight into who we are and how we can live Lent well this year.  Also a good number of people signed up for the small group meeting which started on Thursday at 7 PM and…
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Are You A Christian Atheist?

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I would like to focus the next few weeks on the idea of Christian Atheists, which is a contradiction so let me explain.  A Christian, and especially a Catholic, is a person that believes in God who sent his Son to this earth and lived here as a normal man and…
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Exorcise Your Addictive Anxiousness

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Book of Wisdom (2:4 and James 4:14) mentions that our lives on earth are no more than a mist that appears for a little while today and then disappears tomorrow. Your name will be forgotten and no one will remember what you have done.  You are like a ship that…
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Show Compassion To Your Enemies

Dear Brothers and Sisters: We have been speaking of what it means to love for the last three weeks.  There are many mistaken ideas of love in our society today.  Jesus in his Sermon on the Mount sets forth what Christian love is and one ought to act when he or she has the spirit…
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Jesus Came Not To Abolish The Law But To Fulfill It!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We have been speaking of love as we hear Jesus’ words from his Sermon on the Mount.  Moreover, he tells us not only to love your spouse and your brother and neighbor, but to love the one who is persecuting you, or riding you.  He is telling you to love your…
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Allow The Lord To Choose Where Your Light Will Shine

Dear Brothers and Sisters: I hope you were able to pick one person to love this past week, and follow through on it.  In the gospel we hear Jesus continue with his Sermon on the Mount, and he speaks of a Christian’s responsibility to the world.  You are the salt of the earth…you are the…
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Fortunate Are The Poor In Spirit!

Dear Brothers and Sisters: Sister Anawim used to call me to say the Mass for the Missionaries of Charity in Downtown Newark, a place you do not want to go at night.  It was always a very moving experience since the nuns are so young, from every continent, barefoot, and very pious.  Her name means…
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You Can Choose Not To Worry!

Dear Brothers and Sisters: John the Baptist was arrested and Jesus withdrew to Galilee; he left his small town of Nazareth and went to make his home in Capernaum.  Probably it does not mean much to us but Nazareth was a small town of two hundred people and Capernaum and that area was despised by…
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This Is My Only Son, My Only Beloved!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The gospel today speaks of the Baptism of the Lord which is part of the Epiphany of Jesus Christ –his manifestation–to the world.  He was revealed in a special way even by his Father and the Holy Spirit as he began his public life.  It is not by chance that the…
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