
He Lifts Us Up To Cleanse Us

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Our church renovation is not about just having a prettier church and more efficient building but about the vision we have as a church to be a community of communities where we can have a personal friendship with Christ, and help many others to do the same.  We want to go…
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This Man Stands Before You Healed

Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is our fourth week in our series called Vision.  And we are aiming to paint a vision of where God wants us and our parish to be over the next several years.  I have a vision and I want to make sure we all have the same vision of where…
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In The Name Of Jesus Christ I Say To You: Rise and Walk!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This is the third week of Easter and we have been saying that without the resurrection we would be only social workers or do-gooders, but not able to overcome the deaths of life.  This is the vision that God has for us and it would be a shame to miss it. …
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So That You May Believe

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Christ has Risen!  Truly Risen! This is the greeting of Eastern Christians for this wonderful Season of Easter, as we were saying last week to everyone and especially those who had come perhaps for the first time in a while.   Christ is alive today and has a wonderful power to transform…
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He’s A Different Kind Of King

Dear Brothers and Sisters: Lent we have been saying these past five weeks is a time to see the face of God, to understand better who he is and how he works in our life.  Starting with Palm Sunday we, hopefully, continue to walk with Jesus this week.  Today we celebrate his triumphal entrance into…
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When The Grain Of Wheat Dies, It Produces Much Fruit

Dear Friends, In Lent we have been speaking about various needs that we have as creatures in this series called “Needy.”   We have a need for God that can easily be covered over in our culture today.  We also have a need for work, even if we are independently wealthy, and the need for rest…
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To Be Healed Look Up To Him

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Our series called “Needy” looked last week at the need to rest and the need to work.  I pray that it helped us to see that work is not a curse but a calling where we can serve others and find the Lord.  God made us to work so that we…
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God Worked And Rested On The Seventh Day

Dear Brothers and Sisters, In our third week of our series called Needy the first reading reminds us of our need to work and to rest (Exodus 20: 1-17).  As we have been saying, Lent is a time to look for God, to see his actions in my daily life, and it is easy to…
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Lord, I Need You!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, In our series called Needy we saw that our biggest need is to see how God is acting in our lives, to humble ourselves in order to find him, to see his face and to prepare ourselves to meet him.  This is the purpose of Lent. The devil tries to lead…
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In Lent We Ought To Seek His Face

Dear Brothers and Sisters, A friend of mine giving me ideas about teaching the middle school kids faith formation said to ask them frequently: “Where did you see God this week?”  It struck me as a good question for adults and for myself.  And it struck me that this is the purpose of Lent, our…
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