
They Embraced His Feet

Dear Friends, A friend of mine with a wife and six kids had his esophagus removed a week ago because of a tumor that had grown for many years.  You thought you had problems.  And in the hospital after the surgery the nurses were calling him “tangled” due to the amount of drains and IV’s…
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I Cannot Curse God For Anything In My Life!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, St. Francis de Sales uses the images of bees many times in his renowned book called The Introduction to the Devout Life, a spiritual classic, that maybe you can read these days of seclusion.  Did you know that on a windy day a bee will carry a pebble so that it…
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Lord, Untie Us!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Life is not the highest value.  There are others that are higher: faith, charity, the possibility of giving your life for another.  The history of the Church has given us tens of thousands of examples in every century: the early martyrs, Maximilian Kolbe, Thomas More, the martyrs of the Spanish Civil…
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Irritation Often Leads To Enlightenment!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Malcolm Muggeridge, a well-known British journalist and author, made a movie of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and he described filming the Home for the Dying in his book on this saint. He was worried because the lighting in that room was very poor and so they did some filming outside as…
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If Only You Knew The Gift That God Wants To Give You!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is very strange not to do Sunday Masses in church and to see your faces. I hope this does not last too long. I would invite you to take this time as a gift from God to remind us of the fragility of life which we usually take for granted….
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Remember The Gift You Received

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Welcome!  We see in the second reading that Paul is in jail, close to death and he is writing what seems like his last will and testament to his disciple Timothy who is afraid.  My guess is that Timothy is wondering what he will do in his life without Paul.  Imagine…
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Let The Spirit Lead Us This Lent!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is surprising to me how passive Jesus Christ is in the gospel of the temptations in the desert (Matthew 4: 1-11) on this First Sunday of Lent.  He was led into the desert by the Holy Spirit and was tested by the devil.  This is the same Spirit that blew…
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Surprise Your Adversary!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, You have heard that it was said, ‘An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.’   This was to limit the amount of damage you could do to the one who hurt you.   Before this law if someone took out your eye then you might kill him and his…
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Jesus Wants The Law To Transform Us, To Be Authentic

Dear Brothers and Sisters, In the gospel that is part of the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5: 17-37) which Jesus must have preached many times in different locations and in different ways, he is not interested in making the law lighter.  He came to ensure that the law accomplishes an interior transformation within us.  …
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Make God Present To Those Around You!

Dear brothers and Sisters, Sister Josephine Bakhita said if I was to meet those slave raiders that abducted me and those who tortured me, I’d kneel down and kiss their hands, because if it was not for them I would not have become a Christian and a religious sister.   She was taken as a nine…
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