Let Us Gather In His Name

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Life sometimes presents to us situations that say: where are you going in life, in your faith, in your marriage or your family.  And a good way to know if you are on the right track is if you reconcile often with the people close to you.  When you feel that someone sinned against you what do you do?  The readings today tell us that you should go and speak to that person, investigate what happened, and give them the benefit of the doubt.  Often we assume the worst motives on the part of the other.

St. Gregory the Great was giving a homily on the first reading about the role of Ezekiel as the watchman who goes to the highest point of the tower and looks out for any sign of danger.  If there is a danger, he blows the trumpet to warn the people, or he is responsible for any troubles that ensue.  Pope Gregory is one of the greatest Doctors of the Church who sent the first monks from his order to England to evangelize the people.  Yet, in his homily he said he felt remorse about not being a good watchman.  He preached about it, but didn’t feel that he did it.  The saints say things like this not just to be pious but because they really saw their sins.  His words show something beautiful about this Pope; he was a very humble man.  As Christians, as parents, and as friends we need also to be a watchman for others, especially young people.

Another saint said that when we pardon those who sinned against us we experience a great joy, and also a great freedom.  Why would we experience freedom?  Well, could be because you know that someone has your back and will not gossip about you, but will come and speak to you face to face.  That is quite a gift which would enable one to live in trust and freedom.   So if someone sins against wait a few days, pray about the events that happened, and go and speak to him/her.  Go modestly and gently and at a good time and this often will bring about amazing results. Don’t go gossiping about it, don’t go in anger and revenge, go as a Christian.

I liked a lot the phrase that describes the Church or the community: those gathered in the name of Christ.  When we gather in this way, with a spirit of reconciliation, Christ is truly present.  He is present not just as an ideal, but in reality.  Where two or three are gathered in his name, not in the name of gossip, Jesus Christ is really present.  These readings today should help us to see who do I need to speak to about a misunderstanding that may have happened this week or years ago.  Go and speak humbly to that person and God will be present at that moment.

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