
The Master Is Prudent and Patient With Evil

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Every week a few more of our brethren return to celebrate the Eucharist together as one family. What a beautiful sign it is to those around us that especially the elderly come out to worship God in this way. If you have underlying conditions and are not yet ready to come…
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God’s Seed Is Always Fruitful

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The fruits of the Holy Spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, modesty, self-control and chastity. These gifts, or fruits, are virtues that each one of us desires and hopes that we will have in many occasions of life. God will give them to us if he sees that we…
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My Yoke Fits Me Well!

Sunday, July 5, 2020 At that time Jesus exclaimed: “I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to little ones. Yes, Father, such has been your gracious will. All things have been handed over to…
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Carrying the Cross is the Work of a Disciple

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I like very much the first reading where this woman of influence did a favor to Elisha who then promised her that she would have a child in one year. It shows us that the smallest act of charity we do for others is not forgotten as we heard last week….
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The Lord Is A Mighty Hero

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Perhaps the best way to understand the gospel this week is to hear the wonderful story of the calling of Jeremiah. The Lord said to him: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you to be a prophet to…
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To Remember Is To Make It Present Again!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, How important it is for us to remember, to have a memory of what God has done for us. The memory is the storehouse of the soul; in it we have all our experiences. Without a memory we cannot finish our sentence. Our memory helps us not to take things for…
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God Is A Family!

Dear Friends, Bernadette Soubirous was fourteen when the Blessed Mother appeared to her eighteen times in 1858 in what was then a garbage dump.  She had yet to receive her first Communion, already had asthma because of the house where she lived and could hardly read and write.  She was greatly moved by these encounters…
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We Need The Dew Of The Spirit

Dear Brothers and Sisters, On this ancient feast of Pentecost, fifty days after the resurrection we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church.  How much we need this Spirit these days.  We are like dry flour that without moisture cannot be one loaf of bread or a lump of dough.  We who…
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Something Should Arise In Us Today

Dear Brothers and Sisters, It helped me a lot to spend more time this week thinking and preparing for the Ascension since it is celebrated on a Sunday this year.  I was struck by the fact that Jesus does not go away.  He physically leaves but he is not gone.  You can say he is…
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I Will Not Leave You Orphans

Dear Brothers and Sisters, How did Peter know that we have a voice inside of us that tells us to do this and don’t do that, avoid this person and don’t think yourself better than that one.  Does he know this because he is the first apostle, the leader of the gang or does he…
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