Mary, Don’t Be Humble, Say ‘Yes’

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

St. Bernard holds a high place in Christian spirituality at a time when the monastic order in the 12th century flourished.  In thirty-five years he made 68 foundations of new Cistercian monasteries and was the main promoter of his Order, which at the time of his death in 1153 had 350 houses, of which 165 were answerable to him.  They extended throughout all of Europe, from Scandinavia to southern Portugal and from England to central Europe.  In the mother house they estimate between 800 to 900 monks had been part of the community of Clairvaux by his death.  Some of them started other houses of monks.  This meant there were thousands of young men who left society and often a military career to live a cloistered life.  This gives us some idea of a peace corps that Bernard helped to establish.  Who had ever done this before?

In a stirring presentation in the drama of the moment of the Annunciation, St. Bernard portrays the world shroud in darkness after the sin of our first parents.  God is seeking a way to enter the world anew.   He knocks at Mary’s door.  He needs human freedom.  He needs a free ‘yes’ in order to save man.  Heaven and earth were holding its breath at this moment.  Will she say yes?  She hesitates…will her humility hold her back?  Just this once, Bernard tells her, don’t be humble but daring; give us your “Yes”!  And the answer comes: “Let it be done to me according to your word.”

Mary conceived through her hearing, through her obedience.  And the Word entered her and became fruitful.  The angel it seems departed reluctantly and her whole life was changed.  She remains there alone.  There is no one standing around her.  She will have many dark moments: Joseph’s dismay at her pregnancy, the census that brings them to a cave in Bethlehem, the flight into Egypt and his night on the cross.  How often she must have pondered these words of Gabriel: “Rejoice, full of grace!” and the consoling words:  “Do not be afraid!”

No place is more dignified than the temple of the Virgin Mary.  She becomes the new Ark of the Covenant who carries not just tablets and manna, but the true Body and Blood of Christ that you can receive today.  Mary ponders things and holds them together even when they don’t make sense.  Let us join her in front of the manger and discern what God is telling us these days.

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