Your Cross Is Your Way To Salvation

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
An old and trusted slave with a good character known well by the family would be in charge of the moral welfare of a young boy. He was called paidagogos in Greek, meaning a tutor or guide. His job was to lead the young child to school and back each day and to oversee his conduct until he matures. He does not replace the father but assists him in the formation of the child.
This image is used by Paul to describe the purpose of the Law (Galatians 3). The law (Ten Commandments) is like the tutor that leads a person to Christ. The law puts a person in a position where he or she might enter into a relationship with God on their own, and to help someone who might start with this intention but then wander off.
The law tells us what things are dangerous or sinful and how to avoid them. It makes a person humble when they see that it is not possible to live this law on their own strength. This knowledge or experience humbles a person, and breaks his pride. Even for us, who doesn’t call his brother (or a colleague in the office) a fool in our thoughts many times each day? Jesus says that this is to kill your brother. And who does not lust after another woman or man, or after a bigger salary, or more modern house or car? The law reveals all of this to us when we reflect on it and struggle to follow it.
Paul says the law reveals the wounds of a person but cannot heal them. Faith in Jesus Christ is what saves you; it is what makes you whole. The law prepares you and me for this but cannot do it. You need to see faith embodied in a person, in the flesh, and this helps us. Jesus Christ came to build on the law, on what the law taught, and he fulfills it. The law is not opposed to Christ; it prepares us for him.
Faith makes it possible to live as a child of God and this is true for Jew or gentile, man or woman, slave or free person. This is possible because of Christ makes us one through his death and resurrection. What is important is not if we are descendants of Abraham, but if we act as Abraham did. He trusted and believed in the word of God, AND acted upon it. He took a big risk every day of his life because he trusted in God; he believed in the promise that God would give him a son. This is the true test of someone who says they have faith. Does he or she act like Abraham?
Lastly, Jesus tells us that to follow him (Luke 9:18-24) one must pick up your cross daily. This saying must have struck people as very unusual. A cross was an instrument of torture and death. And Jesus does not say be resigned, or put up with your cross or the suffering you have; he says pick it up, embrace it; your salvation comes from your loving acceptance of it. When you do so your cross is lighter; your suffering doesn’t go away but the Lord helps you with it. Reflect this week on the cross you have and the reason God allows it in your life. When you see it with eyes of faith everything changes. Talk to a priest or a good Christian about it and God will help you to see that it is a blessing!

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