The Wolf Lies Down With The Lamb

Dear Friends,

Isaiah is telling us that a time will come when our rebellion against God will end. Probably you dont even realize that you are rebelling against him. When the Messiah comes at the end of time or whenever he’s preached reconciliation can begin to happen. That’s why you need to hear this ‘good news’ every week or even twice a week.

Isaiah says it very poetically: the wolf will lie down with the lamb, the calf and the lion will eat together and a little boy will lead them. A young child will put his hand in the viper’s den. They will do no harm. Everything in our life will be reconciled, even our sins and the sins of others close to us, including all kinds of abuse and evil doings. We will day see how God knitted all of this together to make us a beautiful tapestry, which normally we see it only unfinished and from behind.

This takes years but when you start to see the wonders that God is doing in your life, the sins he has washed away in his blood, and all that he wants to do with you this Advent, you will be in awe. Dont be afraid to come back to him. Not amount of evil or betrayal will stop him from loving you.

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