Spend Time At The Door Of Wisdom

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Perhaps you and I have an idea of a perfect friend that will always be there for you and somehow this person never materializes in our lives.   Wisdom is that person, or could be.  Wisdom is a gift from God which is absolutely prior to the universe and superior to all created things.  Wisdom is God’s architect for creation.  He is the master craftsman, or another translation says God’s child, who plays before him, and delights him day by day.  Wisdom is playful, and he delights in the human race.

I love those who look for me, she says, who love me more than money and I will enrich you throughout all eternity.  Wisdom allows you to think of Jesus Christ, the wisdom of God.  To love wisdom is to love Christ.  When you love him you live only for him and desire to spend time with him.

So spend time at the door of Wisdom.  Read and meditate on the Scriptures and God will give you (counsel) what to do, how to do it (wisdom), why you do it (understanding) and the ability to do it (strength).  And instead of being a slave you will be a king or queen.  Or you can keep looking for that perfect friend.

            The gospel is from the night before Jesus dies.  And he speaks to us of his life within.  He says:

The Spirit will glorify me (Son) because he will take from what is mine and declare it to you. Everything the Father has is mine; for this reason I told you that he will take from what is mine and give it to you.

It is dense language; Jesus is speaking of the very nature of God, of himself.  And what does he say?  The Holy Spirit will glorify me (Jesus, the Son) because he will take everything the Father has which is mine and declare it to you.  So did you follow?  The Spirit will give to the Son all that the Father has.  They are equal.  One doesn’t have more than the other.  They all existed forever.  One other thing he mentioned.  They will give it to you!  The community, the friendship, the unity that they have they want you and me to be part of it.  You are included; you were made that way; it is in your DNA.  It has been broken by original sin and our own personal sins, which distorts that image and makes us insecure.  If you were the smartest of your family or the skinniest or the richest, you still have this hole inside of you.  Having things or achieving things does not fill it.  God wants to re-establish that relationship with you and with his Son and Spirit.

Why waste your time lamenting what the others have and you don’t have.  He is smarter or better looking or….  When you have God you don’t need comparisons.  When you come to church only out of duty or for the kids or because your parents make you nothing changes.  But if you are intentional, sincere about living your faith then you can experience the communion of God, which exists in the Trinity.  You don’t have to compare yourself to anyone.

What does God say to you: you are mine, you are not finished; you are a work in progress, but you are mine!

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