Oh, Happy Fault

Hopefully the Lord touched you this Easter weekend by the Exultet, the readings, the music, the Easter flowers or the people here.  God cries for us and sent us a savior.  Oh, happy fault (the sin of our first parents) that deserved so great a savior, oh, happy fault. He sacrificed his Son, his only Son, and said to us: do with him whatever you want.  And we did.

Tonight, he comes to take us out of hell.  Tonight is not to remember what happened to the Jews in their Exodus out of Egypt.  Tonight we make present again the freedom that God gives us to not stay in our sins.  He frees us once again from the slavery of sin.  In the Jewish Passover the father of the family asks: is anyone here in slavery to a vice or a bad habit?  If so, come and make Passover with us and God will lead you out of Egypt, not the country, but the slavery that hold onto you.  Sin is always a slavery that takes away our freedom.  These two men who will be baptized tonight we be set free from their sins and the punishment due to their sins.  They will be enlightened, to live as Christ did and to have the freedom of the children of God.

I am so happy that Christ didn’t come or rise only for the good ones.  That he helped me with so many things: my mom’s dementia, my judgments against her, my inability to survive as a priest or to evangelize by myself.  He came for sinners, so I am in good hands.  Who will move this rock in my life, this obstacle that seems impossible for me?  Jesus Christ will do it.  Be patient, wait for him.  He has done it for me so many times.  So, wait for him; he will do it with ease.

Why do we look for the dead among the living, we could say about the holy women in the gospel?  But we do the same.  We look for life among things that bring us death, in sex, in money, in success, in our reputation, in affections.  Christ is alive!  Risen for you and me!  Go to him.  Look for him!

Today he can change you; he will give you a new heart.  When a person receives a new heart, someone has to die in order to make this donation.  Christ died so that you would receive this new heart, this new spirit.  Today we can leave this assembly as a new person.  Jesus Christ cancelled our debt.  There is not invoice.  He paid for it with his life.  God paid for it with what he loved the most: His Son.  Never doubt of his love, brethren.  Never doubt!  He is always there for us.  And he says to us constantly: I love you, I love you, I will help you!!

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