How Can You Help Him If You’re Blind?

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We have some very beautiful readings this Sunday. It seems that God always gives us a word or a message that we need to hear, at least he did that for me with this gospel. The first reading from the book of Sirach says, “When a sieve is shaken, the husks appear; so do one’s faults when one speaks.” A sieve is a strainer to drain pasta or whatever. It is not referring to swearing or bad grammar but the language we use with others. Language reveals many things about us. I liked a few weeks ago when we heard the Beatitudes, and the gospel said that Jesus looked up to the disciples. He didn’t look down at them. He took the last place and became a poor one when he easily could have done the opposite.

Do we ask for forgiveness from others, or do we just say, ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘I apologize’ and go on our merry way. There is a big difference between the two. When we say, ‘I ask you for forgiveness for the words I said or what I did…,’ it leaves open the possibility that the other may not be ready to grant it. It shows a humble and vulnerable disposition on the part of the person asking. Often, we say, ‘I’m sorry,’ but without thinking of what we are sorry for. As a Christian may our language manifest Christ and manifest his love.

The psalm also is wonderful and says, “Lord, it is good to give thanks to you…and to proclaim your kindness at dawn and your faithfulness throughout the night.” A test of our gratitude is to notice if we do give thanks to the Lord frequently, even when things don’t go our way. Do we see our sufferings as a blessing from God and an opportunity to change. Mother Theresa said our sufferings are like a kiss from the Lord. What a wonderful way to look at difficulties.

St. Paul reminds us that our death can be swallowed up by Christ, especially in the Eucharist that we all participate in, not just the priest. Do you come to it sad or anxious or upset about something? Then you can experience the resurrection; it can be something absolutely real for you. Maybe the devil is telling you that you will never change, and that God has forgotten you. Christ comes in every Eucharist to save us. He cannot resurrect someone who is perfectly fine with his life. The word of God has this power to change us, to see that God is very close to us and helps us to see his faithfulness, despite our stupidities. In every Mass Jesus is saying, ‘I love you, I will never forget you, I want to help you, and I want to be one with you.’

The first thing I hope we recognize today is the blindness we have. We are easily deceived, and the word of God wants to show us the truth, our reality. Deep down we believe that we are good or at least better than the others. I go to church every week or at least often. I am a priest or a volunteer in the parish. I speak well and went to college, and I am not like that one. He may be in need of God’s mercy, but I am pretty good. I see ‘a good conduct certificate’ in my in-box every day. I came to church even though it was not easy for me today. This deception is very prevalent these days and God is trying to help us with these readings today. He says very clearly and boldly, ‘You hypocrite!’ The Greek word hypocrite means actor because they play a particular role and where a mask that shows them to be sad or cheerful or wise or nasty. I show one side of myself to my spouse and another side in the church and another side with my boss and another side with my friends so that I can please and be loved by everyone. I am a beggar for love and affections.

When we think we are good we more easily look down on others; we blame them. We think we are the only ones who know how to do certain things or even many things. In other words, we think we are god and we impose ourselves in the lives of others and when they don’t follow what I want we get frustrated and angry. Brothers and sisters, it is much better to let God lead you, especially in your marriage, in your work and in the mission that he gives to every Christian. When you hear this voice that says, ‘You do all things well,’ oh boy, watch out and ask the Lord for light. We never say these things out loud and many times they are subconscious, and we don’t even recognize them. At times the Lord shows me that I am a disaster and always make the same mistakes in judgments and many other things.

I think I can remove the splinter from the other person’s eye but do not see the beam in my own. How can we come out of this blindness? It can be done only by loving the other. Love gives you discernment. If I am angry with someone, I can never help him until I love them. As we heard last week a Christian is called to love even the enemy, which is the one in the same bed as you or the same house or the same office or the same parish. Our mission is to save those close to us: your spouse, your children, your extended family and friends. You can only save them by loving them, not by judging or blaming them or focusing on their sins or mistakes.

Imagine if we can say that this week or this day, I did not judge anyone, or I did not give in to lustful glances, or I did not speak behind someone’s back, even if it was the truth. This is to bear fruit, which is to love. At the end of our lives, we will be judged on how we loved, which is a scary thought. Let us ask the Lord for this grace to see our blindness and shred our ‘good conduct certificates’.

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