God Wants To Give Us Something Truly Great!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

It is important to think and reflect that God was really born in a cave and his first bed was a manger. Do you believe this?  Not just intellectually, but do you believe it in your heart.  Then why are we always looking for God in a palace or in a five star hotel?  Why do you look for happiness in money and getting ahead of the others?  It was not a mistake that the Son on God was born this way.  It says something to us and we need to reflect about it and see what God is telling me.  We also try to find Jesus Christ in a good friend or an easy life, but the Scriptures always tell us that we find God in our poverty, in a cave, not a palace.  We find Christ in the one that we cannot accept.

The feast of the Epiphany shows us that God’s mission to the gentiles will bring persecution from his own people.  These Magi were searching for something.  They saw a star or could have been two planets that looked like a star (Saturn and Jupiter that we saw conjoined two weeks ago), and they followed it.   Herod was not able to see Christ; he had to kill anyone whom he thought to be a threat.  If he met Christ his life would have been much better.

The Kings were filled with joy when they saw the child.  They were so overwhelmed that they prostrated themselves on the ground before him.  The gifts that the Kings brought showed their wisdom.  Gold was for a king, incense for God and myrrh to overcome death.  Perhaps they sensed what would happen to him one day.

In his letter to the Ephesians Paul is saying something very deep.  He said the mystery shown to him on the way to Damascus cannot be hidden or put in chains.  What is this mystery?  It is the mystery that the gentiles can enter the Kingdom.  Not only are they children but they will receive an inheritance, something much more than a million dollars.  Paul says I have to announce this!!  I cannot keep it quiet.  I have to tell  everyone,  especially my family and my friends.  They don’t have to live as slaves, but as children of God.  You are made for something great!  It will cause you to suffer, but in that suffering you will find peace!  You will find peace only when you embrace your cross.

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