
Be Who God Made You To Be!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Our Lord calls us to be truthful, to be like him who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.  We are not able to live in the truth unless we have Christ.  Without Christ, we can often fall into hypocrisy.  The Pharisees know the Law very well, but they don’t…
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You “Will” Love With All Your Heart And Soul And Strength

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Our Lord says that to love is the center piece of Christian life.  It must be the center because God is love and the center of life for a Christian is God.  Perhaps in the light of this word we can be like the Pharisees who approach the Lord with this…
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Who Has The Image Of God?

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Is it lawful to pay taxes even when the money will be spent on abortion of gender ideologies?  Yes, the tax must be paid.  You may say that they are stealing from you, but actually you would be stealing from them if you didn’t pay the tax.  So, you may need…
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What Is This Wedding Garment?

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Lord calls everyone to this wedding feast which is the kingdom of heaven.  Some want to attend and others made excuses and even killed the servants inviting them.  It is a strong parable for the High Priests, the Pharisees, the scribes, the elders and for all Jewish people.  The  wedding…
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Let Us Kill The Son And Get The Inheritance

Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is a strong word that is full of mercy and love for the people Christ is trying to reach.  The language of the world is filled with hate, violence as we can see in the gospel.  It also includes division, gossip, killing, abuse, and many other evils.  God doesn’t love…
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He Regrets It And Goes

Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is a strong word for the Pharisees, religious leaders, ministers, those who think they are already saints.  They are the ‘good ones’ because they fulfill the Law and have certain functions as scribes and high priest.  They thought that they are good, but then they hear Jesus say that tax…
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Today, The Lord Will Convert Me!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today’s gospel is a declaration of love from the Lord to all of us.  There is an anecdote related to this gospel about the desert Fathers in a monastery back in the fourth century.  There was a monk apparently who was not a very good monk, and the others despised him…
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I Want To Forgive But…

Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is a wonderful Word for us today that shows the incredible mercy God has with each one of us.  In a time when we are always hearing tragic news the Lord gives us a Good News, which is a welcome change. A Good News can change your life if you…
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Your Community Saves You By Loving You

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Lord gives us this Sunday a beautiful gospel that can be summarized in two words:  community and love.   Through those two words we can enter the depth of this gospel and understand what the Lord wants to tell us today.  This idea of ‘a community of love’ perhaps are very rare…
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On His Own Peter Cannot Follow Christ

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This gospel can help us a lot today and first of all destroy the demon of moralism that we all have within us.  What does moralism mean?  It is the belief that with my efforts I can he a Christian.  On my own efforts, I can love and forgive and enter…
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