
Console My People

Dear Brothers and Sisters, In our second week of the series on angels we are reminded that angels seem more popular than Jesus himself.  They appear non-threatening and cuddly, majestic and graceful, mysterious and new age-y.  Maybe intelligent people are more likely to dismiss them as myth. Yet angels play a key role in salvation…
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Be Watchful!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Mark tells us in his gospel this week, and we will hear from him this year, “Stay awake! Be watchful and alert!  You do not know when the time will come.”  Advent is a time of waiting for the Lord; first, in his second Coming and then for his coming to…
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Who Are The Least Brothers Of Mine?

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today’s solemnity of Christ the King ends the liturgical year and our series on A World Beyond in this month of November.  Matthew (25: 31-46) is the only one who records these words of Jesus Christ about his Second Coming.  Jesus makes a grand entrance reflecting the vision of the prophet…
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The Kingdom Is A Wedding Feast

Dear Brothers and Sisters, In the second week of our series on A World Beyond we ponder the beauty of a wedding feast (Mt. 25: 1-13) where the ten virgins represent Christians waiting for Christ.  He may be slow in coming but they must be watchful and keep their lamps burning.  Jesus’ burning concern for…
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Love Always Seeks The Lowest Places

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We begin a new series for November entitled, A World Beyond.  The Church gathers on Nov. 1st to celebrate all its saints, named and unnamed, and on Nov. 2nd to celebrate and pray for All Souls who have fallen asleep in the Lord since last Nov. 2nd, and to contemplate in this month…
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Christian Love Is Always Triangular

Dear Brothers and Sisters, In the fourth week of our series Wavelength hopefully we are starting to see that it is not easy to change, to think as a Christian and to be on God’s wavelength.  I hope we are all being challenged to direct our thoughts to whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely…
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Awaken That Divine Image Inside Of You!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This is the third week of our series called Wavelength which means to change our way of thinking to be more Christian, more like God’s.  We cannot control our thoughts but we can re-direct them and feed ourselves with more healthy thoughts.  How much effort we put into what we eat…
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Everyone Is Invited!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This week is the second week of the series that we kicked off last week called Wavelength.  We spoke about seeing things from our perspective which is always limited and sometimes incredibly limited.  You and I are convinced that we are right, especially when we are wrong and it is very…
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God’s Ways Are Different From Ours

Dear Friends, We are beginning a new series for this month called Wavelength.  Did you ever have an experience of seeing something clearly and the people around you did not?  Or as a parent or teacher or coach and you tried to get your point across and were not able?  Or you gave advice to…
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Jesus Took The Form Of A Servant!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, As we close out our series on “Who do people think I am” we continue to look at Jesus Christ and our identity flows out of being a follower of Christ.  It is not easy but hopefully this is something that you aspire to do.  To look at this again let…
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