
What Isolates Us From The Others?

Dear Brothers and Sisters, If we have faith the size of a mustard seed it will be strong enough to uproot this tree and throw it into the sea, Jesus said, in the gospel last week.  This tiny seed is Christ himself who was given to us in Baptism and will grow in us if…
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Fan The Flame Of Faith Given To You

 Dear Brothers and Sisters, I hope you saw that there is a Lazarus in your life as we heard in the gospel last week.  A Lazarus is a person you ignore, or you are indifferent to.  It may be your spouse or one of your kids or a sibling or friend.  You see them, but…
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Is There A Lazarus Close To You, In Your House?

Dear Brothers and Sisters, God is the rich one who became poor for us, so we could be rich.  The rich one is the one who believes.  The one who thinks of the future as we saw last week with the dishonest steward.  Who are we in this gospel, the rich man or Lazarus?  It…
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Calculate the Cost!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The gospel is very serious: Jesus is saying renounce all your possessions if you want to be my disciple.  He is not speaking just to a certain group of people: priests, deacons, religious sisters or brothers; he is speaking to people like you and me.  We know that a disciple has…
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Don’t Seek Things Beyond Your Reach

Dear Brothers and Sisters, A priest was saying how important is the framing of the gospel today, what came before and what followed after it.  Before is the cure of the man with dropsy.  It is a very painful disease caused the abdomen and arms and the legs to swell.  Jesus Christ has compassion on…
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We Can Be Easily ‘Broken Into’

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Last week we heard that the man in the parable who built new barns for his big harvest failed to think of one very important matter: he was going to die.  And therefore, what he did with the end of his life was very foolish.  Hopefully, this has helped us to…
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Rich In The Things Of God

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This gospel is very appropriate for our world today.  Small men and women seek to have; great people seek to be.  Most people around us believe that they can secure their lives by “having.”  We see this mentality in the size of the homes that people build today, even if there…
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The One Who Sought Him Found Him

Dear Friends, A group of catechists and adults from a few parishes took 130 youth to the Holy Land for twelve days. Aside from the natural beauty and holiness of the place where Jesus Christ spent his years, mostly hidden, was the sincerity of the youth in their trials of life, often very serious. When…
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Only One Thing Is Necessary

Dear Brothers and Sisters, It is not that Martha is bad and Mary is good. We all need to serve in one way or another. Martha was distracted and judging her sister rather than looking at herself and at the Lord. How often we fall into that trap: the other has it better than me,…
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Who Is My Neighbor?

This week the gospel (Luke 10: 25-37) is telling us when should a disciple stop, or pause?  The answer is: when he/she sees someone in need.  Who is my neighbor?  My neighbor is the one ‘in need.’  The priest and the Levite pass by, and even cross to the other side of the street.  They are…
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