
We Are Called To Bring Christ To Others

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Today is the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, the Body and Blood of Christ, a very important feast in the church and I am very happy to celebrate it with you.  This feast creates a bridge so that no one needs to be alone when we have the Lord with us.  It…
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You Were Within Me, But I Was Outside

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Word today is perfect for this celebration of Trinity Sunday.  Keep in mind that we have no idea what the Trinity is no matter how many theologians there are who have studied the subject.  From what the Lord revealed to us we know that there is one God and three…
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The Soul’s Most Welcome Guest!

Peace, Brothers and Sisters, Perhaps people know a lot about the Holy Spirit and the gifts and fruits that he gives us as we celebrate Pentecost.  But knowing the gifts of the Holy Spirit is only intellectual knowledge, it doesn’t give us the actual gifts.  Knowing what wisdom is doesn’t mean we have it.  Maybe…
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I Am With You Always!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Look at how wonderful this gospel is, these words are so precious that the Lord says, “All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me.  Go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them…. and teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you.”  This is the…
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He Brought Me Out Of Death

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Pentecost is approaching and the word already speaks to us about the Holy Spirit.  Next Sunday is the Ascension of the Lord into heaven and then comes Pentecost.  There is a song that the Jewish people sing at Passover that says if you are hungry come and have Passover with us,…
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You Can Do Greater Things!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, How many miracles did Philip and Thomas see in their three years with Jesus Christ.  Countless, I imagine.  Neither Philip nor Thomas understood when he said he would return and take him to himself and maybe we don’t understand it either.  Jesus says to Philip, you have been with me for…
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When The Lord Is My Shepherd I Lack For Nothing

Dear Brothers and Sisters, This Sunday is known as Good Shepherd Sunday and these words console me a lot, especially the words of the psalm: you are at my side, your rod and our staff give me courage; restful waters refresh my soul.  The Eucharist is a consolation; it is a reassurance.  There is silence…
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He Comes To Find You!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The gospel says that same day, the first day of the week, always impresses me because God makes all things news on this day.  He renews all of creation.  Today and every day can be the first day you live the life of a Christian man or woman.  I hope you…
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We Are Behind Locked Doors Also

Dear Brothers and Sisters, The doors were locked and no one could enter, even the Lord, for fear of the Jews.  This was the situation of the apostles even one week after the resurrection.  They were gathered together on the evening of the new sabbath (Sunday) to ‘do this in memory of me’.  To do…
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The Angel Sat Upon The Stone!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Last night was a wonderful night as the Easter Exultet was sung for us.  I have to confess one thing: I was moved when I heard it.  I was filled with joy that our God could love us in this way that he has this patient love for you and for…
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