God is Simple and so was the First Christmas

Dear Brothers and Sisters:
At daybreak one Saturday in early December in 1531, Juan Diego was on his way to pray.  When he came near a hill called Tepeyac dawn had already come, and he heard someone calling him, ‘Juanito, Juan Dieguito.”  He saw a woman of great grandeur whose clothing was a bright as the sun.  She said to him, “Juanito, the humblest of my children.  I am the Virgin Mary and I would like a church built on this spot so I can show love and compassion and protection to all who live here, that they may call upon me and confide in me.  Go to the Bishop and let him know my wishes.’
Juan went to the Bishop and was told come back another time.  Juan returned to the hill and begged the Virgin to find someone more illustrious than me.  I am too insignificant for this task, he said.  Mary told him to return to the Bishop and say that Holy Mary sent you.  The Bishop still did not believe and asked him for a sign so that he could be sure this request was from heaven.
Two days later Juan was in a hurry since his Uncle became very ill and asked him to find a priest to hear his confession.  Juan went around Tepeyac to arrive quickly in Mexico City and to avoid being detained by the Heavenly Lady.  She met him anyway on a different path and said to him do not be afraid, you are under my protection and your uncle has been cured.  Go to the top of the hill and there you will many flowers.  Juan reached the peak and was astonished to see so many Castilian roses at this time of year.  He cut some and was told to bring them to the Bishop as a proof of his mission that a church should be built there.  Juan did as he was told and went to the Bishop carrying the roses in his tilma, mantel of his coat, and showed them to the Bishop.  The real sign was the image of Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, that was on his white cloak and remains today just outside of Mexico City.
Juan Diego is a saint today and is a good sign of a simple and humble man.  Joy always come to those with a simple heart and I would like to speak more of this habit of simplicity as come less than two weeks away from Christmas.  I cleaned up part of my office last week and was surprised at what a difference it makes as I enter the room; it is like a breath of fresh air.  Imagine how our hearts would benefit from a cleaning, a reconciliation at this time of year in the Sacrament of Penance.  Many kids benefitted this weekend and next from this Sacrament and I invite all of you to do the same this Wednesday at 7 PM or next weekend after all the Masses.  Many priests will be here to help and some of them are blind.
The Gospel (Luke 3:10-18) this week is very simple.  Three times John the Baptist is asked, what shall I do if I have two coats and extra food.  He replies, give it away.  The same advice works today and helps one to be simple.  A tax collector asks what is he to do and is told not to overcharge, literally do not shake anyone down.  And a soldier asks the same question a third time and is told not to defraud or lie to anyone.  How simple the answers and how appropriate for us today.  All the advice says give to those in need, go out of yourself, take a risk.  In our parish more greeters are needed for the Christmas Masses to welcome back those who may only come at this time of year.  Or perhaps there is someone in your family or on your street who is sick and needs a visit.
There are three things that you can do to have a more simple Christmas this year.  First, pray every day.  If something is a concern speak to God about it.  No need to offer fancy prayers.  Speak to him as you would to your father or a close friend.  Tell him often what is on your mind.  Don’t be anxious, speak to him.
Second, make space for God, clear away the junk in your life.  Limit the time you watch TV or the time the kids can use their gadgets.  Often I need to cut something out so that I can make room for God.  What might that be for you?  Start small and give God some space to enter your life a bit more.
Lastly, kill the good stuff.  Today there is too much going on.  Steve Jobs said he had to drop good things that he did not do in order to get to the great things he did do.  There are many good things that people do today but it is not possible to get to all of them.  Don’t be afraid to cut back.  It will help you and the family to be simple, uncomplicated and happy.
God wants us to be happy more than you and I want it for ourselves.  God is simple.  The first Christmas was very simple, which does not mean it was easy.  Let us ask him to help us make this Christmas simple for us.

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