
What Must I Do To Gain Eternal Life?

Dear Brothers and Sisters, As we journey in our walk to know Jesus Christ an important step to take is tithing or giving.  A rich man ran up to Jesus in the gospel and humbly asks what he must do to gain eternal life.  It is a fundamental question of life.  And it is much…
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It Is Not Good For Man To Be Alone

Dear Brothers and Sisters, In the fourth week of our series called STEPS we speak of being engaged in a small group, in a community that will help us to know God and to know ourselves.  It is good timing as we prepare to announce our catechesis, or series of meetings, on what it means…
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Compare Yourself To Christ, Not To Others

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We spoke of prayer in our second week of STEPS and how according to St. James we may pray incorrectly because we ask for the wrong things, or we ask selfishly.  I sense that a more common mistake is when faced with a concern we don’t speak to God about it. …
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Draw Near To God And He Will Draw Near To You!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I hope you gave some thought to the STEPS that we announced last week and that you commit yourself in some way to one of them.  Life in the church ought to have a purpose: to deepen my faith, to learn how to share it, to overcome certain bad habits or…
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By Losing Your Life For Christ, You Will Gain It

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We know how frustrated it can be to realize the GPS is taking us in the wrong direction especially if we are already late and the weather is bad.  Or in school we are taking courses that make no sense and you wonder: where are we going with Spanish and calculus…
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The Evils Within Defile A Man

Dear Brothers and Sisters, There are two very different trajectories in the gospel today (Mark 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23).  Matthew’s version explains it more graphically when he says that what goes into the mouth passes through the stomach and goes into the latrine.  They’re all hollow places.  It is sheer madness to think that certain…
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Do You Also Want To Go Away?

Dear Brothers and Sisters: This week we finish this fantastic chapter from St. John’s gospel (6: 60-69).  At the beginning of it we saw this amazing miracle of Jesus feeding some 15,000 people with the lunch of one small boy.  It is a good reminder that when we face a difficulty to give it to…
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This Is My Flesh For The Life Of The World

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Last week we heard that Jesus said to the crowds, and to us, “Come to me!”  You who are hungry and thirsty, you who do not know the meaning of your life, come to me, come and drink and you will thirst no more.    And we saw that this gospel was…
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Come To Me, Come And Eat!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Last week Philip thought the answer to the crisis Jesus faced with feeding thousands of people was money.  Andrew saw that the answer was a little boy who had his lunch and was not afraid to give it away.   When you’re faced with an unsolvable problem what do you choose, what…
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Jesus Gives Infinitely More Than Enough

Dear Brothers and Sisters, We continue to see the compassion of God for his people this week in the miracle of Elisha in the first reading (2 Kings 4: 42-44) when his servant feeds a hundred men with twenty barley loaves, and with much left over.   Earlier in the same book Elisha helps an impoverished…
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